Snapshot 2.5 TG Pre-Emergent Herbicide ( 50 Lbs) Annual Grasses Broadleaf Weeds
$ 70.72
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** Not For Sale To: New YorkSnapshot Specialty Herbicide - 50 Lb Bag
Active Ingredient:
Trifluralin 2.0% - Isoxaben 0.5%
Snapshot specialty herbicide works around the clock for up to six to eight months to keep landscapes and container- and field-grown nursery ornamentals weed-free. It controls or suppresses more than 125 broadleaf weeds and annual grasses and can be used over the top of more than 635 labeled ornamentals.
Snapshot is a granular herbicide to be applied to ornamentals, flower beds and other similar areas for weed prevention.
Snapshot is a granular herbicide to be applied to ornamentals, flower beds and other similar areas for weed prevention.
Controls more broadleaf and grassy weeds in more ornamentals than any other preemergent herbicide Provides excellent plant tolerance and long-lasting broad-spectrum control
Bonds tightly with soil particles and is low in water solubility, so it won't move out of the application zone
Flexible application schedule — can be applied in early spring, late summer to early fall or immediately after cultivation
Snapshot is a selective pre-emergent herbicide that provides control of listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in landscape ornamentals, ground covers, perennials, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, container grown ornamentals, non-bearing vineyards, field-grown ornamentals and non-cropland.
Weeds controlled, suppressed or prevented:
aster, barnyard grass, annual bluegrass, bursage, wild celery, chickweed, clover, crabgrass, cudweed, cupgrass, fiddleneck, filaree, fleabane, foxtail, henbit, horseweed, junglerice, knotweed, lambsquarters, mallow, mustard, nightshade, wild oats, panicum, pepperweed, pigweed, pineappleweed, plantain, purslane, wild radish, ragwood, London rocket, shepherdspures, sibara, smartweed, sowthistle, speedwell purslane, Russian thistle, witchgrass, bittercress, brassbutton, wild carrot, chickweed, dandelion, foxtail, galinsoga, eclipta, groundsel, geranium, ladysthumb, prickly lettuce, lovegrass, marestail, mayweed, morningglory, pennywart, ryegrass, spurge, tansy, woodsorrel, brome, barley, burclover, cheat, datura, dogfennel, fescue goosegrass, jimson weed, knotweed, kochia, turkey mullein, burning nettle, bristle oxtongue, scarlet pimpernel, sandbur, signal grass, stinkgrass, sunflower, swinecress, bindweed, carpetweed, johnson grass, milkweed, and shattercane.
Rates and combinations:
2.3 to 4.6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.
How Snapshot works
Snapshot specialty herbicide should be activated by at least one-half inch of rainfall or irrigation to set up a solid control area around weed seedlings. As the weed seeds germinate, Snapshot disrupts their development. Seedlings gradually die before they ever break the soil surface.
Active ingredient
Snapshot contains the active ingredients isoxaben and trifluralin. Isoxaben is found in Gallery specialty herbicide, and trifluralin is a component of Team Pro specialty herbicide. Together, they provide excellent plant tolerance and long-lasting, broad-spectrum control. Snapshot bonds tightly with soil particles and is low in water solubility
When to apply
Apply Snapshot in late summer to early fall, in early spring prior to germination of target weeds, or anytime immediately after cultivation. Following application, monitor weed control over time to determine when additional applications may be needed.
Read the label at :
Dow AgroSciences
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