sale is 20 packs any flavor listed. Each packet
makes 2 quarts. Just add cold water, ice, and 1 cup of sugar. Please
make sure to email me with payment or by email the flavors you would
like. If I do not get an answer two days from your payment I will just
send out a little of each flavor. Thanks for your business and help.
Kool-Aid was invented by Edwin Perkins and his wife Kitty in Hastings,
Nebraska, United States. All of his experiments took place in his
mother's kitchen.. Its predecessor was a liquid concentrate called Fruit
Smack. To reduce shipping costs, in 1927, Perkins discovered a way to
remove the liquid from Fruit Smack, leaving only a powder. This powder
was named Kool-Aid. Perkins moved his production to Chicago in 1931 and
Kool-Aid was sold to General Foods in 1953. Hastings still celebrates a
yearly summer festival called Kool-Aid Days on the second weekend in
August, in honor of their city's claim to fame. Kool Aid is known as
Nebraska's "official soft drink". All product good till 3/23 or beyond.