Ike's Grass Weed Killer - Quinclorac
$ 12.67
- Description
- Size Guide
Controls crabgrass without killing your lawn A selective, post-emergent herbicide that can be safely applied to many types of turf to control a variety of broadleaf and grassy weeds. Can be applied to both residential and non-residential turf from 7 days before seeding and up to 28 days after emergence on selected weeds.* Up to 90 day control
* Able to spot treat weeds without harming turf
* Do not use on St Augustine (including Floratam), bahiagrass, carpetgrass, centipede or dichondra
Coverage: Up to 5,000 sq ft per 7.5 ounces
Use sites: Residential lawns
Mix rate: 1.5 fl oz per gallon per 1,000 sq ft
Active Ingredients: Quinclorac 18.92%
Weeds Controlled:
Broadleaf Weeds:
Bindweed, field; Clover, hop; Clover, red; Clover, white; Daisy, English2,5; Dandelion, common2; Dollarweed; Geranium, Carolina; Medic, black; Morningglory spp.; Speedwell, common; Speedwell, slender; Speedwell, thymeleaf; Violet, wild
Grassy Weeds:
Barnyardgrass; Crabgrass, large1,4; Crabgrass, smooth1,4; Foxtail, giant1; Foxtail, green1; Foxtail, yellow1; Kikuyugrass2,3; Signalgrass, broadleaf Torpedograss3
1. Under certain conditions, application of Quinclorac 1.5L Select made to annual grasses at 2 to 4 tiller may not provide complete control. A sequential application will be required for grass control in these situations. Optimum control is achieved when applications of Quinclorac 75DF Select + methylated seed oil are applied either before second tiller or as weed grasses mature.
2. Tank mix partner or sequential application required.
3. Make 2 sequential applications of 1.0 fl. oz. (0.51 lb. AI/A) of Quinclorac 1.5L Select per 1,000 sq. ft. and an additional sequential application up to 0.90 fl. oz. (0.46 lb. AI/A) of Quinclorac 1.5L Select per 1,000 sq. ft. at 14- to 21-day intervals.
4. Biotypes of large and smooth crabgrass in California have shown varied response to Quinclorac 1.5L Select. If control failure occurs following a full or split application, DO NOT reapply Quinclorac 1.5L Select. Change to a herbicide with a different mode of action.
5. NOT FOR USE to control this weed in California.
Always read and follow label instructions.
Residential Turfgrass Non-Residential Turfgrass
Highly Tolerant:
Bermudagrass, common1; Bluegrass, annual; Bluegrass, Kentucky; Buffalograss; Fescue, tal;l Ryegrass, annual; Ryegrass, perennial; Zoysiagrass
Moderately Tolerant:
Bentgrass, creeping1; Bermudagrass, hybrid1; Bluegrass, rough (Poa trivialis); Fescue, Chewing's; Fescue, fine2; Fescue, hard; Fescue, red; Paspalum, seashore
Bahiagrass; Bentgrass, colonial; Bentgrass, seaside; Centipedegrass; Dichondra; St. Augustinegrass
1. Yellowing that occurs on these species can be reduced by the addition of chelated iron or sprayable soluble nitrogen fertilizer (see Application Information and Addition of Adjuvants sections).
2. Apply Quinclorac 1.5L Select Herbicide to fine fescue only when it is part of a blend.