Casoron 4G Herbicide 25 Lbs Selective Pre-emergence Herbicide Dichlobenil - 4%
$ 65.99
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*** Not For Sale To: NEW YORKCasoron 4G Herbicide - 25 Lbs
Dichlobenil - 4%
Casoron 4G is a selective pre-emergence herbicide that prevents many variety of weeds and grasses.
Casoron 4G controls weeds before they emerge from the ground, by forming an herbicidal vapor barrier in the upper layer of the soil when activated by rainfall or irrigation water.
Casoron 4G should be applied before weed seed germination and emergence from the soil (usually from mid-winter to early spring). A single application will usually provide season-long weed control.
50 - 150 lbs. per acre
* Read the label for complete application instructions
Perennial Weed Control
Apply CASORON 4G as a soil surface treatment in late fall from November 15 to February 15. Old weed growth should not be removed before application. Do not make surface application to areas which have been cultivated during the fall or summer prior to application.
Annual Weed Control
Apply CASORON 4G either in early spring before seeds of annual weeds germinate or after cultivation has removed the growing weeds. Distribute granules uniformly over the soil surface. If treatment is followed by application of 1/2 to 1 inch of water by overhead irrigation, the lower rates are recommended. Shallow incorporation immediately after application is recommended in southern areas. In other areas, shallow incorporation or sprinkler irrigation is suggested when applications are made during periods of high temperature.
Nut Sedge Control
CASORON 4G can be used for control of nutsedge in non-crop areas only. Apply recommended rates and incorporate immediately to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. Seasonal control of annual weeds will also be obtained with this application.
Perennial Artemisia, Canada Thistle, Curly Dock, Falsedandelion (Catsear), Fescue, Leafy Spurge, Orchardgrass, Quackgrass, Russian Knap weed, Smooth Brome, Timothy, Wild Artichoke, Wild Aster, Wild Carrot, Yellow Rocket
Annual bluegrass (poa annua), Bluegrass, Bull Thistle, Camphorweed, Carpetweed, Chickweed, Citron Melon, Coffeeweed, Crabgrass, Cudweed, Dandelion, Dogfennel, Evening Primrose, Fiddleneck, Florida Purslane, Foxtail, Gisekia, Groundsel, Henbit, Jerusalemoak, Goosefoot, Knotweed, Lambsquarter, Maypops, Milkweed Vine, Miners Lettuce, Natalgrass, Old Witchgrass, Peppergrass, Pineapple Weed, Plantain, Purslane, Ragweed, Red Deadnettle, Redroot Pigweed, Rosarypea, Russian Thistle, Shepherdspurse, Smartweed, Spanishneedles, Spurge, Teaweed, Texas Panicum (Hurrah grass), Wild Barley, Wild Mustard, Wild Radish, Yellow Woodsorrel
Use on:
Fruit, Nut Orchards, Nurseries, Woody Ornamentals, Hybrid Cottonwood, Poplar Plantations, Commercial Buildings, Fences, Industrial areas and Recreational areas
* Read the label for complete list
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. The Label is The Law !
This product cannot be used for any purpose that it is not labeled for!